
Back in the Day - Acts 1-9

We start this new series this weekend at North Way.

The Urban Dictionary defines “Back in the Day” as:
A time in one's life looked back upon with great fondness. Usually invokes a memory of a particularly memorable or traumatic incident.

Two thousand years ago, the earliest followers of Jesus launched what was to become known as the “Early Church.” The Early Church experienced and endured incidents both memorable and traumatic that set the course for what we, as the “Modern Church,” have now become.

Please join us for this eight-week message series - January 8/9 through February 26/27 - as we study “The Church” as found in the New Testament book of Acts, chapters one through nine. With a commitment to not overly-romanticizing the early church, we will look for inspiration and truth from those that embraced both the calling and cost “back in the day.”