
my parents

I am grateful that I grew up in a Christian home. My parents passed their faith legacy that was left to them by their parents...on to me. My parents have different ways of living their faith. My father is very outspoken in his faith, and my mother is very soft spoken. I call her the silent saint.

I do remember that when I woke up in the mornings to get ready for school, my dad would be in his chair with the lamp on, reading his Bible and praying. I do remember my mom's Bible (that was falling apart at the seams) sitting on her night stand. My parents always made sure we were at church. They always provided great opportunities for me to go to camp to learn about God.

I am now and will be forever grateful for my parent's investment in my life...physically and more important...spiritually. When you're a kid/teenager, it seems like this investment is all about rules and should not's. However, now that I'm a dad (trying to do the same thing for my daughters), I can see that passing on the gospel legacy in my parenting is hard work.

Dad and Mom...thank you! I love you both deeply, and I'm honored to be your son, and I pray that my daughters will one day write of a gospel legacy that they have embraced on their own. I appreciate you for your investment, even when I rebelled and sinned against you. You are precious to me, and I need to tell you this more often!