
I can see clearly now...

I had a thought tonight that I've been tossing around.  As a pastor/teacher, I'm always trying to put thoughts into the most practical and memorable sayings.  Sometimes they land.  Sometimes they don't.  So, I thought I'd try to flesh it out here.

The string of ideas is that when I'm seeking clarity on some particular issue, there are several moving variables that affect or add to the ambiguity of any situation.  At sheer face value, maybe it's the people involved.  Maybe it's the external circumstances.  Maybe it's the timing.  If you go above the situation and take the spiritual temperature of what's going on, there is another layer of dynamics that come into play.  Maybe it's God's design.  Maybe it's the enemy orchestrating.  Maybe it's your flesh and desires initiating what's not supposed to be in existence.  There are so many possibilities in the spiritual realm that go unchecked or unseen.

So, how does one gain clarity in the midst of all these variables moving around them?  My thought tonight is: to see clearly, get on your face.  When you're literally on your face before God, your eyes are not on all the moving parts.  Your spiritual eyes are focused on God for clarity because your physical eyes are shut.  Your mouth is closed so you can listen.  Your nose is hurting at this point because it protrudes from your face, but that's beside the point!

The point is that we have to stop trying to gain clarity in our own strength and power!  To see clearly, we have to press into God to gain His clarity of vision.  Easier written than done, I know.  However, I can tell you that I've been practicing this the last few weeks, and I've seen God work in ways I surely can't take credit for.  I have an increased clarity ever since I got on my face to seek God.

Maybe you should give it a try!  Go ahead...no one's watching!  Get down on your knees, put your face to the floor, close your eyes, shut your mouth and seek God for His clarity in your circumstances.  Clearly watch what happens...