
The Christian Atheist

North Way Christian Community began a new teaching series last weekend based off of a challenging book, The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel. This book is one of my top 5 most challenging books that I've read in the last few years. In many ways, this book described me as a person who believes in God but lives as if He doesn't exist.

I preached week one of this series on the tough question: Do you believe in God but pursue happiness at any cost? Doug Melder will preach week two on the tough question: Do you believe in God but trust more in money? Dr. Jay Passavant will preach week three on the tough question: Do you believe in God but don't really even know Him?

My church (and many) are filled with Christian Atheists...people who say they are Christians, but their life doesn't look like it. One of my goals in life is to have people see Jesus when they see me. I fall short every day, and I'm very grateful for God's grace in those moments that cover a multitude of my sins. I'm praying that North Way will own our hypocrisy and move forward in Jesus' power and presence to represent Him well in all of our circles of influence.