
I don't have the time...

I feel like I say that a lot. However, it's 1:45am and here I am writing an entry into this blog. I can't sleep. My eyes are tired, but my mind is racing. I'm thinking about what it means to be a pastor. I'm reminded tonight about the ministry of presence.

I didn't have the time to go to the hospital tonight. I would have much rather snuggled into my warm bed with my wife, but I ventured out into the cold night air to drive to meet a family in crisis. I had to. This is what pastors do. You show up. You don't even have to say much. Presence speaks louder than words ever will. However, the words chosen are crucial as well.

When you walk into a situation like I walked into tonight, you have to depend on the Holy Spirit to go before you and speak through you. There's not much you can bring into that Emergency Room but Jesus' presence and His words. His timing and His words are always perfect.