
#fail: redeeming life

We start a new teaching series this weekend, and I believe that you will connect greatly to its overarching theme. We will take some key teachings from the book of Ecclesiastes, and we will pair them with a popular social media term in #fail. I promise, it will make sense for those of you not connected to Twitter! Is there meaning to social media? Some may think it’s meaningless!

No matter what we achieve – or don’t achieve. No matter how much we learn, or how hard we work, or how many difficulties we have – we all question meaning in our lives at one time or another. We’ve all had moments where we’ve felt like life is meaningless, work is oppressive, and we are left to wonder if there’s any point to it all. Are we just here and then gone? Is life a random chain of events?

Often, the filter through which we view our life makes an enormous difference. Join us as we seek a way to redeem life from meaninglessness, toil and fate. Together, let’s look at our lives from a Godly perspective and find new purpose and meaning in all of our moments.