
ignite a passion within...

I recently sat with a guy I consider a great mentor. I don't get to see him too often, but when I do, it's always a rich time. He asked me about my life, and I unloaded several things onto him. But then, he talked openly about what God is doing in his life, and I found myself deeply challenged and encouraged by his words. In fact, many of his words are crushing me right now (in a good way). I'm having a tough time understanding it myself, but let me see if I can explain it to you (therefore possibly fleshing it out for myself).

Since he shared what he did, I have a burden in my heart for his vision, words and ideas. I can't get them out of my mind. I am filtering many things through his recent words. My spiritual antennas are "up" considering what he shared. This is a noticeable difference in hearing a teaching/sermon and then applying that teaching to your life. This is a depth of vision that this guy shared, and I just can't shake it, and I don't want to. His words ignited something in me, and I now have an obligation to respond.

I believe this is how the Holy Spirit teaches and guides us. The question is - how am I going to respond? My hope and prayer is that my obedience to the next steps will be revealed in the coming days, weeks or months.