

Last night, I was misunderstood. It was the age old adage that perception is reality.

I asked my oldest daughter to help me and my wife. I needed her to hold one panel of an 8-foot tall wardrobe. As I began to fasten the base of the wardrobe to her panel, she began to lose her grip because of how I was tightening the bolt. It began to fall, and my instant reaction was one of genuine concern to warn her...I honestly didn't want her to get hurt (or my wife). I briskly yelled out her name to warn her, and she thought I was scolding her. Poor little thing.

I'm very bothered this morning that I was misunderstood last night, and it's all on me! It has nothing to do with her. Her perception is that I was yelling at her...not trying to protect her and my wife. I have to change the way I react. She can't continue to think I'm upset with her.

God help me.