
dude baptisms!

This past Sunday in the Worship Cafe I had the privilege to baptize seven people. This is one of the biggest honors! I was so excited about these 7 people taking this crucial step in their faith journey! What somewhat surprised me was that 6 of the 7 were men!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but statistically women are much more "spiritual" than men. The trends show that woman are much more inclined to attend church and urge their families to come with. BUT...

This past Sunday 6 men declared their unashamed devotion to God. I've been praying for all 7 of those that were baptized, but I'm specifically praying for those men to take their faith to a whole "nutha" level! We need these men to rise up and continue living and leading in the ways of God!

That's why we're starting Ironmen this fall. Check out the Ironmen page on the North Way website.