
If I had a million dollars...

This past weekend, we asked our church the hard question, "Do you believe in God but trust more in money?"  This will make a person squirm.  It's become so uncomfortable to talk about money in a worship service because it's a competitor for our souls.  Since we realized it's that way, we decided to lighten up the mood by pulling together a medley of popular songs about money at our Wexford Campus.

A lyric that jumped out at me was "If I had a million dollars, I'd be rich." from the band, Barenaked Ladies (I didn't mention the band's name in our service!).  This lyric continues to be in my mind because of the catchy melody, but it stuck in my heart because I don't have a million dollars.  However, I am rich, and if you're reading this right now, so are you.  Think about that...

I've learned over the last several years that I'm very rich (think globally here), and I need to leverage my blessings to be a blessing to others!  Scripture does not leave wiggle room to get out of that principle.  We're blessed to be a blessing.  If you had a million dollars, you have it to irrationally leverage it so others can see God because of your generosity.

Our culture teaches us to leverage our wealth for ourselves.  Scripture teaches us to leverage our wealth for others to inherit the kingdom of God.  I'm learning how to do the latter and enjoy the real life.

Because I just don't need a monkey!  Google the lyrics.