
family on mission...

Many Christians struggle with how to balance family, work and mission.  Let me expound, and then I'll turn you on to a blog post that Doug Melder passed onto me.

I constantly feel the tension of balancing my ministry along with my wife (her mission/passion) and the #pinklife (my three daughters).  I've always said that I will never sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry after seeing some pastors do just that.  I never want my daughters to walk away from Jesus or His Church because I'm a pastor.

I'm called first to be a follower of Jesus.  After that, I'm called to be a husband.  After that, I'm called to be a dad and then called to be a pastor.  This is who I am, and each facet of my calling demands my time.  So, how do I choose where to invest and when?  This is my calling. This is my tension.  This is my life.  As a leader of my family and ministry, am I allowed to (or should I) pull them into my calling?

I think this BLOG is a unique look at the combination of the facets of specific calling with the mission that Jesus demands of all His followers.  Is it possible that my specific calling is my family's specific calling?

You tell me.