
can't keep up...

It's been a long time since I have updated my blog. Over the last several weeks, I have realized that I'm exhausted. I simply can't keep up with all the stuff. I'm just plain tired. Even my vacation this year was a multiple-stop adventure of 1,800 miles in a van. There's nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't restful. At this point in my life and ministry, I'm saying "no" more than I'm saying "yes" to things...not because I don't want to but because I'm already doing something else.

I've not been the best at juggling many balls in the air at once, and it seems harder than ever now. Dating my wife, being a dad to my 3 daughters, spending time with family, friends, leading a ministry, social networking, working out, out-of-the-house-me-time...WOW! Priorities are more important than ever. If I don't keep my priorities in place, I could get swallowed up by life.

Friendship is one of the hardest areas for me. As a pastor, there's a fine line between friends in your ministry and friends outside of ministry. To be honest, I'm struggling to find a good balance with these two. It seems like I swing back and forth on the pendulum of friendship, and I inevitably disappoint one or the other.
