

Looking back at my life, I didn't really like sports that you played on your own like golf and tennis. I always liked team sports like baseball, football and basketball. Why?

You have to depend on and trust others. You have to work together towards a common goal. Teammates cause you to be better because you don't want to let your team down. There's constant challenge and encouragement. There's a feeling of being a part of something that's bigger than just you.

The same applies to ministry. I'm grateful to be a part of the North Way team. There are several teams that make up the North Way team. I'm thankful for those on the Worship Cafe teams and the people that lead those teams (Production Team, Worship Team, Greeting Team, Baking Team, Usher Team, Hospitality Team). I'm grateful for the teams that allow those people to be a part of the Worship Cafe (Family Matters Team, Parking Team, Operations Team, Safety Team and many more).

The Church is a team of many teams with a common goal: Freeing People to Follow Jesus.