
Saturday mornings

I cherish Saturday mornings with my girls. Why? In this season of life (kids in school), I realized that Saturday morning is the only morning that I get to wake up and hang out with my daughters with absolutely no agenda. Every weekday morning is a chaotic rush to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and hurry to the bus. Every Sunday morning, I leave before they wake up to get to church. Therefore, Saturday morning is the only morning that I can spend quality time with them.

Even if it's lounging around the house, I think it's so important that I "protect" these mornings. They afford me the ability to do things for and with my daughters that I just can't do the other 6 days of the week like...I get to make them breakfast. I get to rotate little dates with each of them. I get to watch cartoons with them. I get to have focused chats with them.

Protecting Saturday mornings has been difficult. When I say 'yes' to my girls, that means I say 'no' to many other important things. Saturday mornings for most other people are good mornings to leverage for meetings and ministry gatherings. Every once in a while, I will break my rule, but I try not to do it very often. I have to get better at saying 'no' to even the best opportunities.

I have a feeling that this season of Saturday mornings with my girls will pay off in our family's future.