
it's pretty simple

God has been doing a lot of work on me lately. The word "disciple" is a BIG word in my vocabulary lately. I was talking with a friend this morning about the huge need for discipleship in the Church today. Think about it. Jesus' strategy of advancing His kingdom was to invest 3 years into a small group of men. He then told these men to go and make disciples that obey everything He taught them. Pretty simple strategy.

Disciples who make disciple-makers.

After a conversation with Dave Buehring the other day, I'm convinced that many people think they are disciples of Jesus, but have a really shallow and/or skewed view of what that really means. There's a burden in my heart to change what Henry Blackaby defines as "the least discipled generation", but I'm not sure where to begin.

I guess I'll start with a small group of guys.