
ministry is like fall leaves

If you were to come to my home today, you would see thousands of leaves all over my yard. I can't keep up with the amount of leaves that are falling during this season. I have mature trees all around the outside of my property. The other day I spent 2+ hours ridding my yard of all the leaves, and the next day it didn't even look like I had touched it. This is one thing that I didn't anticipate when purchasing this home. If I don't keep up with the fallen leaves, I will have a real mess on my hands in a few weeks.

Sometimes the life of intentional relational ministry can feel like picking up fall leaves. There's always more to do, but it seems that there's not enough time to get to it all.

Jesus offers us a lesson in allowing some things to fall. He didn't heal everyone. He didn't teach in every town. He chose to be laser focused with what He did and when He did it. He then taught his disciples to do the same. They obeyed.

I'm not raking leaves today.