
Ironmen @ North Way

Ever since I came to North Way I've been starting men's groups with the purpose of getting men into God's word and encouraging one another in accountability. These groups through the years have taken on different names and styles. However, this past year, something began to change in my approach to launching these groups. Instead of me trying to launch one group, I began to dream about multiple groups of men that met all over the city throughout our church and beyond. I didn't know how this was going to happen. After some great counsel from my friend, Dave Buehring, Ironmen was born. This is a men's small group ministry birthed at North Way Christian Community, but it's reach will go far beyond just North Way.

To date, there are 240+ men in these Ironmen groups, and I couldn't be more pumped! God has done something amazing here! God is going to do something incredible in and through these men. I'm praying that all 240+ will lean hard into this process throughout this journey!

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. ~ Proverbs 27:17