
feeling new

Over the last few weeks, we have felt what it's like to feel new to many things. We are in a new house. We are in a new neighborhood. We are in a new school district. We walk with our daughters to a new bus stop. We are shopping at a new grocery store. With all of these things, we are figuring our way through, but it's hard to be NEW! There is a lot that is assumed when it comes to the new person...

This has given me a profound appreciation for new guests at our church building(s). We have to constantly be thinking about and executing good strategy for new people and families. But, what does this really look like?

I'm sure for every person, this answer would be different. One thing I do know is this - a friendly invitation for help is never a bad thing for a new person. If someone asked me, "Can I help you find what you need?", I would appreciate that help. Some may still not accept the help, but it never hurts to ask!