
waiting game...

My family is in this waiting period. We have a sales agreement on our current home. We're in a sales agreement on another home. Our closing date is August 2nd on both homes, and now we wait. But, it's not like we're just waiting around with nothing to do. We have a ton to do!

In some weird way, this made me think about God's Kingdom. As Christians, we're in between things right now...playing the waiting game. But, it's not like we can just wait around and do nothing until Christ returns. There's so much Kingdom work to be done! We partner with God to advance the Gospel here on this earth.

Unlike our closing date on our home(s), the day and the hour of Christ's return is unknown, but we labor to advance the Kingdom! We're actively waiting for the day when "the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend." Man, that's going to be an awesome day, and we need to work hard for the Gospel until that glorious day!