
accountability & discipline...

5:30am. My alarm goes off, and I don't want to get up. I don't want to start my day this early. I don't want to drive 35 minutes to the gym by my church. I don't want to work out! But, something keeps me going.

1) accountability - I can't let my accountability partner down. I can't have him show up and me not. He would let me have it and never live it down.

2) discipline - I have to do this. If I don't, I won't be healthy. This is a "must" in my life, and a "must" deserves a consistency and hard work. Time must be dedicated to it.

I find that these 2 things help tremendously with working out at the gym, but they also apply greatly to my relationship with Christ. I need accountability and discipline to stay healthy in my walk with Christ. The difference is that I WANT to do this, but often times I find it very hard to keep this consistent. What about you?