
11 years...

This Sunday (May 30th), I will celebrate 11 years of marriage with Erica. She is an amazing woman, and I've become such a better man by simply being with her. She's an incredible wife to me, and she's an excellent mother to our three daughters. I'm blessed to be married to her.

I remember when I knew 100% that I was going to be married to her. She and I were sitting on the porch of house on Geneva College's campus. We had taken some time to pray about where our relationship was going. It was a time where either we were going to the next level (engagement) or we were going to call it quits. We came back together after this time of prayer, and we both shared that we felt God was leading us to each other. And that was it! We were engaged shortly after I could purchase her ring. 2 weeks after our college graduation, we were married! The rest is amazing history...