As a pastor, today is my Sabbath. I haven't had a day like this in three weeks. It's my fault, and I'm feeling the effects.
I switched my day off from Mondays to Fridays a few weeks ago, so this meant I worked two full weeks to switch those days, but then my new day off landed on a day when I had a wedding rehearsal and then a weekend retreat in the city (it was good, but it was an obligation). Fast forward to another good but hard work week full of strategic planning meetings, budget conversations and memorial service preparations. I could literally feel the stress mounting.
Today, I finally stopped! I'm beginning to experience the rhythm I'm designed's a much desired tempo called Sabbath. Without it, I am highly stressed. With it, I find rest. I experience peace at a slower pace in God's presence and perspective.
God designed me (and you) for Sabbath rest. I rest differently than you, and you rest differently than me. God even modeled this rest for us in the creation account of Genesis 2:2. "On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work."
If God rested, then I (we) should too! It feels good, and it's right to be back into this unforced rhythm of grace (Matthew 11:28-30).